Somebody stop me!

Oscar waiting at home by the door

Today, I hit a new low or high? in dog ownership. I usually work at home so Oscar gets plenty of attention.All day.Not so this morning…I had an appointment at 11:30 so He left for work at half eight as per norm, and then I skipped to the train station at 10.00. I waved Oscar goodbye, gave him a GINORMOUS rawhide chew (as big as one of his own legs) to settle into and bid him a second fond farewell by rustling his beard, which he shrugged off in an embarrassed teenager way.

I didn’t give him another thought all the way through my meeting.I didn’t think about him at all whilst devouring a mutant scone in the department store’s “terribly nice”  cafe.I didn’t even think of him as I slathered over the new collection of See by Chloe handbags just in, or the delicate mink-coloured Russell & Bromley sandals I eyed covetously through the window.It wasn’t until I set foot onto the station platform,awaiting the 12:40 home that I buckled.

A mother stepped off a train with 2 children in tow, one blissfully licking an ice cream, which he wore on his face like a mud pack, and the other displayed a jutting out bottom lip that can only be described as shelf-like. In fact, if I’d had a coffee in my hand, I’d have been tempted to rest it there while I rummaged for my purse.Anyway,as all 3 passed by, I heard the mother saying, “Now look here, Lucy, I’m not at all happy with your behaviour this morning, and it’s only the FIRST day of the school holidays, so if you want anymore ice creams and outings you’d better not be mischievous and naughty again!” Well! The “M and N” of bad behaviour sent warning bells to my shell-likes and I immediate saw Oscar swinging from the light fittings in the bedroom, sliding down the bannister in the hall,and pulling feathers out of the cushions in the living room.I envisaged returning home to find a DIY explosion,rather than a house.I felt sick and then… suspicious.

So what did I do? I called home. Yes, I actually called the dog to see if everything was alright at home.I telephoned the house, and left him a message telling him to “be a god boy, not to get up to mischief, and that I was returning within the hour.” To anyone else on that platform I was just a mother, checking up on their child. To you and me…well I’d lost the plot. And what would I have done if he’d answered?

About thehairyhoudini

I love books and feel stabs of envy when writers and journalists display their work in print.I want to stop writing in private, and start gaining the confidence to write better, more often and for an audience.Having always kept diaries as a child, and written countless whimsical short stories in a myriad of gaudy hello kitty journals,I thought I would be a writer some day, when I stopped being a fireman (frightened of fire), secretary (does temping count?), shopkeeper (I'd still like to be) and accessory designer (which I am). I then turned 13,and that's when, with the onset of acne and a mono brow, I then discovered FASHION! Clothes, magazines and ANYTHING to do with their mythical creators. I have often daydreamed about writing for a living...witty little columns for Sunday papers, pooling ideas and knitting fragments with my pen until I can form a book.I hope this blog will give me the discipline of doing REGULAR writing, and nudge me closer to this dream. Catch the updates by signing up to the email alerts!

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