The Vetinary Claws

Alas, the Hound has a poorly. We call it “a poorly” because he has hurt himself but refuses to behave in a fragile or unwell manner – He cannot be categorised as “sick” – He’s still bounding around but then drops the floor, obsessively licking his wound. He pulled his dew claw after a romp on the beach and it just wouldn’t stop bleeding. We bathed, inspected and wrapped it in bandage but after 5 days it just wasn’t healing up. He’s somehow smashed one of his front dew claws so that it’s split and oozing – Like a parrots beak with a squashed worm trapped inside. Not a pretty sight.Shudder.

Off to the vets we go, a 20 minute car ride and he’s momentarily excited by the thought we might be going to a walk he loves with new sniffs and fresh views, but as we approach the car park his ears slump and he’s no longer eager to leave the car.

20 mins and £100 later we have anti-inflammatries, and anti-biotics and instructions to do salt water bathes twice a day…Oscar’s enthusiasm has buckled and so has my purse.

About thehairyhoudini

I love books and feel stabs of envy when writers and journalists display their work in print.I want to stop writing in private, and start gaining the confidence to write better, more often and for an audience.Having always kept diaries as a child, and written countless whimsical short stories in a myriad of gaudy hello kitty journals,I thought I would be a writer some day, when I stopped being a fireman (frightened of fire), secretary (does temping count?), shopkeeper (I'd still like to be) and accessory designer (which I am). I then turned 13,and that's when, with the onset of acne and a mono brow, I then discovered FASHION! Clothes, magazines and ANYTHING to do with their mythical creators. I have often daydreamed about writing for a living...witty little columns for Sunday papers, pooling ideas and knitting fragments with my pen until I can form a book.I hope this blog will give me the discipline of doing REGULAR writing, and nudge me closer to this dream. Catch the updates by signing up to the email alerts!

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